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Zero-Tolerance Experts

Offsetting Racial Divides:

Zero-Tolerance School Suspensions & Restorative Justice Practices

A Researcher's Findings of School Discipline

Dr. Adrian Gale, Ph.D.

Rutgers University School of Social Work

Dr. Gale discusses his research on Black youth's schooling experiences, parental perspectives on school climate, and discipline. He shares his expertise to assist educational stakeholders in identifying student-based resources, racial disparities in staffing, and recent literature on natural mentors.

Research suggests that racial disparities in public school teachers' and student demographics influence suspension inequities and indicate a lack of culturally-sustaining practices and racial representation.

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The collateral damage of zero-tolerance suspensions deprives Black students of access to college and career opportunities. Spotlighting these inequities, the OCR reveals steep contrasts in graduation rates.

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Black males are also underrepresented in graduation rates and indicate sharp contrasts in access to college and career educational opportunities. Invested stakeholders and policymakers need a call to action to fix these historical inequities.

Reflective Questions:
For School Administrators and Policymakers

Who are the most vulnerable students in your school/district?
How is disciplinary data monitored in your school/district?
Who are the key players in reviewing discipline data? 
Where are some key points to examine?

Can schools shift away from zero-tolerance? 

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